ImCy platform

Genethon’s Imaging Cytometry platform (ImCy), with over 15 years’ experience in supporting researchers in gene therapy, is not only an expert in acquisition of cytometry data and microscopy images, but also in deep and quantitative analysis of these data and images.


The presence within the same department of cytometry and imaging experts provides mutual enrichment between experts from these two fields.

We have a very rich instrument base and we offer our services to Genethon’s research teams, and also in a collaborative or service formation, to the teams from the Biotherapies Institute at AFM-Telethon as well as to private or public members of the Genopole biocluster (Evry-Courcouronnes), or national and international parties interested in our renowned expertise.

For any requests, please contact the Imaging platform.

The members of the platform


Genethon’s Imaging Cytometry platform (ImCy) has a variety of activities based mainly on data acquisition and analysis.

We offer image acquisition, with different degrees of definition and resolution, on our different machines, independently and assisted, as well as image analysis using different commercial solutions or solutions developed by us. We offer acquisition of cytometry data, cellular sorting and analysis of these data using different software programs adapted to the devices and needs of our customers.

We also provide our partners with: 

  • Our consulting expertise for preparing or designing a project or experiment
  • Our digital modeling expertise
  • Our cross-disciplinary expertise for creating collaborative connections with other platforms or research teams (atomic force microscopy, biophysical analysis methods, NMR, etc.).

Our experience in the field of imaging, cytometry, genetic diseases and biotherapies makes our platform a renowned center in the Paris region, particularly for analysis of the efficacy of gene therapies applied to muscle cells.

Beyond our rejuvenation policy, offering the most advanced technologies possible, our platform is a national center for imaging and cytometry applied to quantification of the effects of therapies on rare diseases, and in particular neuromuscular diseases, strengthening and exchanging our know-how through many collaborations.


We own an equipment base with complementary imaging and cytometry machines, which allows analysis of biological samples at different scales. Our aim is to support integrative and multimodal studies from analysis of whole small animals via bioluminescence to location of proteins in super resolution (STED), and phenotyping of cell populations using cytometry.

Along with our machines, we own independent analysis stations, some of them equipped with software specific to certain analysis (Imaris, etc.).


Axioscan Z1 [in French]ZeissBlade scanner (100 blade loader)
7-color LED lamp
Confocal TCS SP8 [in French]LeicaConfocal microscope with resonant scanner and Gated STED module 775nm
α3 [in French]PhaseViewLight sheet microscope
4 lasers
Evos FLLife TechnologiesInverted fluorescence microscope for cell culture
3 colors
Biostation IMNikonLight field and fluorescence time-lapse microscope (2 channels)
HoloMoniror M4PHI ImagingHolographic time-lapse microscope
AxioPlan FLZeissStraight fluorescence microscope + QImaging Retiga 2000R Camera
BF morphometryNikonLight field straight microscope for mapping
FL morphometryLeicaStraight fluorescence microscopy for mapping
3 colors + polarization
XFNanoliveTomography microscope
holographic time-lapse
Eclipse Ti Inverted FLNikonInverted fluorescence microscope
3 colors + Hamamatsu Orca-spark monochrome camera
IVIS LuminaPerkin ElmerSmall animal bioluminescence imaging
CELLVIZIOMauna KeaConfocal micro-endoscope through fiber-optic bundle dedicated to small animals


MoFlo ASTRIOS EQ [in French]Beckman-CoulterHigh-throughtput cell sorter
4 Lasers 14 Param. Fluo. + Morpho
CytoFLEX LX [in French]Beckman-CoulterFlow cytometer with plates and microtubes loader
6 Lasers 21 Param. Fluo. + Morpho
CytoFLEX S [in French]Beckman-CoulterFlow cytometer with plate loader
4 Lasers 13 Param. Fluo. + Morpho
SP6800 [in French]Sony Biotechnology Inc.Spectral flow cytometer
3 Lasers 32 PMTs
ISX MKII [in French]CYTEKImage flow cytometer
3 Lasers 6 channels


Our operations are based on a clearly established and transparent relationship between our customers and ourselves by the signature of a user charter.

Indeed each user of Genethon’s Imaging Cytometry platform must sign the OCCIGEN user charter [in French] which establishes the platform’s commitment criteria – safety information, supply of calibrated equipment, performance of services and analysis within a pre-set deadline, provision of technical support, respect of confidentiality, etc. – and the customer’s commitment criteria – observance of safety and machine usage instructions, information on the nature of samples, payment for services rendered, mention of the platform in all communications, etc.

We also offer training on our equipment, allowing you to use our platform completely independently when the project requires.

For requests for access to equipment, services, training, information or price list, please contact us.

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